

SME Support/Subsidy Programs

Always NEW!: New Business Development Seminar for Foreign SMEs, Employees, and Students in Japan

1. Date & Time: Three times of monthly two hours a set starting any month, the date and time will be informed later based on registration.

2. Place: Public seminar room in east Tokyo and online, the place and web URL will be informed later.

3. Subjects: (1) Management strategy in Japan, (2) Marketing in Japan, (3) Financial planning, (4) Government subsidies and loans in Japan, and (5) Others based on participant’s requests.  (You can select some of the subjects.)

4. Fee: Free of charge for three times  5. Language: English (or Japanese if requested)  6. Registration: Please register at the following website.

26th September 2024

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government posted a guideline for Investment Support Subsidy to Rapid Progress No.8 as follows.  Applicants are required to have their head or branch offices (or tax offices for individual owners) in Tokyo, or only head offices in the case of subsidy execution in Kanto area.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners in Tokyo to invest in machines/equipment for enhancing competitiveness by product/ service quality improvement and increasing productivity by production enlargement

2. Frames and examples

(1) Competitiveness enhancement frame: mass production implementation, stable supply, multiple small lot operation, process improvement, integrated processes, quality/reliability enhancement, special/hard/complicated material processing, short delivery, cost down, etc.

(2) DX development frame: automatic machine control, operation status collection, auto defective supervision, distribution efficiency, ordering improvement, process line optimization, 24-hour operation by robots, etc.

(3) Innovation frame: material production for earthquake countermeasure, non-inflammable products, natural disaster, urban infrastructure maintenance, security, pandemic, sport promotion, disabled support, medical/health products, energy savings, renewal energy, recycling, tourist support, cashless machines, next-generation automobiles, distribution enhancement, etc.

(4) Successor challenge frame: new products for business restructuring, new business field development, etc.

3. Maximum subsidy amount: 100 million yen

4. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on salary increase plans and so on

5. Applied costs: 

(1) Machines, equipment and software for mainly production in the frames of competitiveness enhancement, innovation, and successor challenge

(2) Machines, equipment, software for mainly production and productivity increase in the frame of DX development

6. Application reservation period: from 23rd October to 6th November 2024

7. Application submission period: from 1st November to 15th November 2024


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for the applications above, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

9th May 2024

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.16 as follows.  This subsidy is applied only for Micro SMEs (MSMEs) including individual owners.

1. Purpose: Support MSMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: 0.5 million yen for regular frame, 2 million yen for wage increase frame, graduation frame, successor support frame and start-up frame, with additional 0.5 million yen for invoice system applicants

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for MSMEs in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions (online included), travel, new product/service development, reference books, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 27th May 2024 (only for Form-4 by 20th May)

6. Project end deadline: 4th November 2024


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:


s23_koubo16_13.pdf (


20240508_jizokuka.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for the applications above, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

24th April 2024

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.12 on 23rd April.  The earlier start permission is abolished and an evaluation by online interview with applicants is started this time.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new markets, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses with M&A, return overseas businesses into Japan, strengthen/maintain local supply chains, or expand the scale of businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount, depending on the number of employees and SME scales:

(1) Growth frame (regular): from 15 million to 70 million yen

(2) Growth frame (GX): from 30 million to 150 million yen

(3) Corona speedy recovery frame (regular): from 10 million to 30 million yen

(4) Corona speedy recovery frame (least wage): from 5 million to 15 million yen

(5) Supply-chain strengthening frame: 500 million yen

(6) Graduation promotion addition: same as the frames above

(7) Mid/long-term large-scale wage increase addition: 30 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 1/3, 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames and SME scales.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.  Growth frame (regular) with market decreases can include business discontinuance cost.  Supply-chain strengthening frame can apply only for costs on buildings and machines/ equipment/systems.

5. Application deadline: 26th July 2024.


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:

<Guideline> (for supply-chain strengthening frame)


If you need any support or consultation for the applications above, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

23rd April 2024

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government posted a guideline for Investment Support Subsidy to Rapid Progress No.7 as follows.  Applicants are required to have their head or branch offices (or tax offices for individual owners) in Tokyo, or only head offices in the case of subsidy execution in Kanto area.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners in Tokyo to invest in machines/equipment for enhancing competitiveness by product/ service quality improvement and increasing productivity by production enlargement

2. Frames: competitiveness enhancement, DX development, innovation, and successor challenge frames

3. Maximum subsidy amount: 100 million yen

4. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on salary increase and so on

5. Applied costs: 

(1) Machines, equipment and software for mainly production in the frames of competitiveness enhancement, innovation, and successor challenge

(2) Machines, equipment, software for mainly production and productivity increase in the frame of DX development

6. Application reservation period: from 1st May to 21st May 2024

7. Application submission period: from 8th May to 24th May 2024


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for the applications above, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

16th April 2024

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government started public offering for SME Management Support Subsidy as follows.  Applicants are required to have their head or branch offices (or tax offices for individual owners) in Tokyo, or only head offices in Tokyo in the case of subsidy execution in Kanto area.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to innovate, deepen and develop creative new plans from their existing businesses

2. Maximum subsidy amount: 8 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3

4. Applied costs: Materials/sub-materials, machines/equipment, consignment/outsource, intellectual property rights, standard registration, facilities introduction, systems, expert consultation, real estate rent, sales promotion, and others

5. Application deadline: Middle of the months from April 2024 to March 2025 (it may change in relation to budget limitations)


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

2nd February 2024

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.18 as follows.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative product/service development and manpower savings in production processes

2. Maximum subsidy amount

a. Custom-made manpower saving frame: from 7.5 million to 80 million yen, depending on the number of employees

b. Product/service high value-addition frame (regular): from 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, depending on the number of employees

c. Product/service high value-addition frame (growth): from 10 million to 25 million yen, depending on the number of employees

d. Global frame: 30 million yen

Note: Plus, additional special amount for large-scale salary increases at 1 million to 20 million yen, depending on frames, the number of employees, etc.

3. Subsidy rate

a. Custom-made manpower saving frame: 1/2 or 2/3, depending on the number of employees, and the subsidy of more than 15 million yen at 1/3

b. Product/service high value-addition frame (regular): 1/2 or 2/3, depending on the number of employees

c. Product/service high value-addition frame (growth): 2/3

d. Global frame: 30 million yen: 1/2 or 2/3, depending on the number of employees

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property, and only for Global frame on overseas travel, interpretation/translation, and advertisement/sales promotion

5. Application deadline: 27th March 2024


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:



If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

19th January 2024

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.15.  This subsidy is applied only for Micro SMEs (MSMEs) including individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support MSMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: 0.5 million yen for regular frame, 2 million yen for wage increase frame, graduation frame, successor support frame and start-up frame, with additional 0.5 million yen for invoice system applicants

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for MSMEs in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions (online included), travel, new product/service development, reference books, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 14th March 2024


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

6th January 2024

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.17 as follows.  There are a lot of changes this time, including subsidy evaluation through online interviews to applicants in Japanese.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative product/service development and manpower savings in production processes

2. Maximum amount: Custom-made manpower saving frame from 7.5 million to 80 million yen, depending on the number of employees, with additional special amount for large-scale salary increase at 1 million to 20 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: Custom-made manpower saving frame at 1/2 or 2/3, depending on the number of employees, and the subsidy of more than 15 million yen at 1/3

Note: Other frames, such as product/service high value-addition frame and global frame, are not disclosed this time yet.

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property

5. Application deadline: 1st March 2024


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:



If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

15th September 2023

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.14.  This subsidy is applied only for Micro SMEs (MSMEs) including individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support MSMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: 0.5 million yen for regular frame, 2 million yen for wage increase frame, graduation frame, successor support frame and start-up frame, with additional 0.5 million yen for invoice system applicants

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for MSMEs in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions (online included), travel, new product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 12th December 2023


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:


s23_koubo14_10.pdf (


PowerPoint プレゼンテーション (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

11th August 2023

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.11 on 10th August.  Some frames of this subsidy allow applicants to spend project costs after 2nd December 2022 with a permission from the Government.  Supply-chain strengthen frame is not accepted this time.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new markets, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses with M&A, return overseas businesses into Japan, or expand the scale of businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount, depending on the number of employees and SME scales:

(1) Growth frame and Industrial transform frame: from 1 million to 70 million yen

(2) Green growth frame (entry): from 1 million to 100 million yen

(3) Green growth frame (standard): from 1 million to 150 million yen

(4) Graduation promotion frame: same as growth frame and green growth frame

(5) Large-scale wage increase promotion frame: from 1 million to 30 million yen

(6) Least wage frame: from 1 million to 15 million yen

(7) Price-hike/recovery support frame: from 1 million to 30 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames, SME scales and the number of employees.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.  Industrial transform frame can include discontinuance of business cost. 

5. Application deadline: 6th October 2023.


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:



koubo.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

2nd August 2023

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.16.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame, wage hike frame, and digital frame from 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, green frame from 7.5 million to 40 million yen, and global frame up to 30 million yen, plus 10 million yen for special wage hike, depending on the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: Regular frame and global frame at 1/2 (2/3 for MSME), and wage hike frame, digital frame and green frame at 2/3

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property (and overseas trip for global frame)

5. Application deadline: 7th November 2023


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


 公募要領_16次締切_20230801.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

18th June 2023

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.13.  This subsidy is applied only for Micro SMEs (MSMEs) and individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support MSMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: 0.5 million yen for regular frame, 2 million yen for wage increase frame, graduation frame, successor support frame, and start-up frame, with additional 0.5 million yen for invoice system applicants

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for MSMEs and individual owners in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions (online included), travel, product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 7th September 2023


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:


r3i_koubo_ver8.pdf (



If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

31st March 2023

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.10 on 30th March as follows.  There is rather a large change on the subsidy this time.  Some frames of this subsidy allow applicants to spend project costs after 2nd December 2022 with a permission from the Government.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new markets, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses with M&A, return overseas businesses into Japan, or expand the scale of businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount, depending on the number of employees and SME scales:

(1) Growth frame and Industrial transform frame: from 1 million to 70 million yen

(2) Green growth frame (entry): from 1 million to 100 million yen

(3) Green growth frame (standard): from 1 million to 150 million yen

(4) Graduation promotion frame: same as growth frame and green growth frame

(5) Large-scale wage increase promotion frame: from 1 million to 30 million yen

(6) Least wage frame: from 1 million to 15 million yen

(7) Price-hike/recovery support frame: from 1 million to 30 million yen

(8) Supply-chain strengthen frame: from 10 million to 500 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames, SME scales and the number of employees.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training, except for Supply-chain strengthen frame.  Only buildings and machines/ equipment/ systems are applied for the Supply-chain strengthen frame.

5. Application deadline: 30th June 2023.


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


jigyo_saikoutiku.pdf (


koubo.pdf (

koubo_sc.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

7th March 2023

The Government of Japan provided a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.12.  This subsidy is applied only for Micro SMEs (MSMEs) and individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support MSMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: 0.5 million yen for regular frame, 2 million yen for wage increase frame, graduation frame, successor support frame, and start-up frame, with additional 0.5 million yen for invoice system applicants

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for MSMEs and individual owners in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions (online included), travel, product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 1st June 2023


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:


r3i_koubo_ver7.pdf (



If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

17th January 2023

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.9.  This subsidy allows applicants to spend project costs after 20th December 2021 with a permission of the Government.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame from 20 million to 80 million yen, large-scale wage increase frame from 80 million to 100 million yen, recovery/rebirth support frame and least wage frame from 5 million to 15 million yen, green growth frame from 100 million to 150 million yen, and emergency frame from 10 million to 40 million yen, depending on the number of employees and SME scales.

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames and SME scales.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.

5. Application deadline: 24th March 2023.


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


jigyo_saikoutiku.pdf (


koubo009.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

12th  January 2023

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.14.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame, wage hike frame, and digital frame from 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, green frame from 7.5 million to 40 million yen, and global frame up to 30 million yen, plus 10 million yen for special wage hike, depending on the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: Regular frame and global frame at 1/2 (2/3 for MSME), and wage hike frame, digital frame and green frame at 2/3

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property (and overseas trip for global frame)

5. Application deadline: 19th April 2023


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:



 reiwakoubo_14_20230111.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

26th October 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.13.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame, wage hike frame, and digital frame from 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, green frame from 10 million to 20 million yen, and global type up to 30 million yen, depending on the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: Regular frame and global frame at 1/2 (2/3 for MSME), and wage hike frame, digital frame and green frame at 2/3

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property (and overseas trip for global type)

5. Application deadline: 22nd December 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


reiwakoubo_20221025.pdf (


<Good Practice>

goodpractice_R2-A4.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

4th October 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.8.  This subsidy allows applicants to spend project costs after 20th December 2021 with a permission of the Government.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame from 20 million to 80 million yen, large-scale wage increase frame from 80 million to 100 million yen, recovery/rebirth support frame and least wage frame from 5 million to 15 million yen, green growth frame from 100 million to 150 million yen, and emergency frame from 10 million to 40 million yen, depending on the number of employees and SME scales.

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames and SME scales.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.

5. Application deadline: 13th January 2023.


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


koubo008.pdf (




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

4th October 2022

The Government of Japan provided a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.10.  This subsidy is applied only for small SMEs and individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame 0.5 million yen, wage increase frame 2 million yen, graduation frame 2 million yen, successor support frame 2 million yen, start-up frame 2 million yen, and invoice system frame 1 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for SMEs and individual owners in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions, travel, product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 9th December 2022


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

19th August 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.12.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame, wage hike frame, and digital frame from 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, green frame from 10 million to 20 million yen, and global type up to 30 million yen, depending on the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: Regular frame and global frame at 1/2 (2/3 for MSME), and wage hike frame, digital frame and green frame at 2/3

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property (and overseas trip for global type)

5. Application deadline: 24th October 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


reiwakoubo_20220818.pdf (


<Good Practice>

goodpractice_R2-A4.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

5th July 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.7.  This subsidy allows applicants to spend project costs after 20th December 2021 with a permission of the Government.  Emergency frame is introduced newly this time.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame 20 million to 80 million yen, large-scale wage increase frame 80 million to 100 million yen, recovery/rebirth support frame and least wage frame 5 million to 15 million yen, green growth frame 100 million to 150 million yen, and emergency frame 10 million to 40 million yen, depending on the number of employees and SME scales.

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames and SME scales.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.

5. Application deadline: 30th September 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


koubo007.pdf (




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

21st June 2022

The Government of Japan provided a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy No.9.  This subsidy is applied only for small SMEs and individual owners with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/ entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame 0.5 million yen, wage increase frame 2 million yen, graduation frame 2 million yen, successor support frame 2 million yen, start-up frame 2 million yen, and invoice system frame 1 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for SMEs and individual owners in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions, travel, product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 20th September 2022


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at:




If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

17th June 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for the Business Conversion Subsidy for Restaurants No.1 as follows.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to convert/change businesses or processes in restaurants, such as new menu development, infection prevention, take-out/delivery, etc.

2. Maximum amount: 10 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, outsource, marketing/ promotion, training, consignment, and others

5. Application deadline: 1st August 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:



If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

13th May 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.11.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame, wage hike frame, and digital frame 7.5 million to 12.5 million yen, green frame 10 million to 20 million yen, and global type 30 million yen, depending on the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: Regular frame 1/2 (2/3 for MSME), wage hike frame, digital frame and green frame 2/3, and global type 1/2 (2/3 for MSME)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, materials, outsource, and intellectual property (and overseas trip for global type)

5. Application deadline: 18th August 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at:


reiwakoubo_20220513.pdf (


<Good Practice>

goodpractice_R2-A4.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

30th March 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.6.  This subsidy allows applicants to spend project costs after 20th December 2021 with a permission of the Government.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs and individual owners to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities.

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame 20 million to 80 million yen, large-scale wage increase frame 80 million to 100 million yen, recovery/rebirth support frame and least wage frame 5 million to 15 million yen, and green growth frame 100 million to 150 million yen, depending on the number of employees and SME scales.

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 1/3, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy frames and SME scales.

4. Applied costs: Buildings, machines/equipment/systems, technology introduction, experts, transportation, cloud services, outsource, intellectual property, advertisement, and training.

5. Application deadline: 30th June 2022


For more information, please visit to the following sites (in Japanese) at: 事業再構築補助金 (

in detail at: koubo006.pdf (

and usage examples at:


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

23rd March 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for Sustainability Subsidy No.8.  This subsidy is applied only for small SMEs with less than 5 employees for commerce and service industries, and 20 employees for manufacturing, accommodation/entertainment, and other industries.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement based on their own project plans

2. Maximum amount: Regular frame 0.5 million yen, wage increase frame 2 million yen, graduation frame 2 million yen, successor support frame 2 million yen, start-up frame 2 million yen, and invoice system frame 1 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 2/3 (and 3/4 only for SMEs in red in the wage increase frame)

4. Applied costs: Machines/equipment, advertisement, websites, exhibitions, travel, product/service development, reference books, temporary workers, lease/rent, facility disposal, and consignment/outsource

5. Application deadline: 3rd June 2022


For more information, please visit the following sites (in Japanese) at: 小規模事業者持続化補助金(一般型) (

and in detail at: r3i_koubo.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

17th February 2022

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.10.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: 12.5 million to 30 million yen, depending on subsidy types and the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2 or 2/3, depending on subsidy types and the number of employees

4. Application deadline: 11th May 2022


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 25th April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:

reiwakoubo_20220216.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation for applications, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

24th January 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restoration Support Benefit to support SMEs and individual owners affected by the C-virus at maximum 2.5 million yen.  This benefit is not required to pay back.  Application deadline is 31st May 2022.


1. Compare sales in any month between November 2021 and March 2022 with the sales in the same month between November 2018 and March 2021.  If the former is 30% or 50% lower than the latter, the company seems eligible for this application in terms of sales decrease.

2. Maximum amount

a. SMEs with 50% sales decrease: 1 million yen to 2.5 million yen, depending on annual sales amount

b. SMEs with 30% sales decrease: 0.6 million yen to 1.5 million yen, depending on annual sales amount

c. Individual owners with 50% sales decrease: 0.5 million yen

d. Individual owners with 30% sales decrease: 0.3 million yen


Please visit to the following site (in Japanese) in detail:


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

21st January 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.5, the last one in FY2021.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities

2. Maximum amount: 5 million yen to 100 million yen, depending on subsidy types and the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy types and SME types

4. Application deadline: 24th March 2022


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 15th April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:

koubo005.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

18th January 2022

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy - Low Infection Type No.6, the last one in FY2021.

1. Purpose: Support Micro-SMEs to introduce new businesses, new services, or new production processes under the pandemic to balance the business sustainability and the infection reduction

2. Maximum amount: 1 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 3/4

4. Application deadline: 9th March 2022

Note 1: The word, Micro-SMEs means companies or individuals with 5 or less employees for commerce/service industry, and 20 or less employees for manufacturing, hotels, entertainment or other industries.

Note 2: Cost after 8th January 2021 can be counted in this subsidy.


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 21st April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:

【低感染リスク型】3次補正公募要領.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

17th November 2021

The Government of Japan posted a guideline for Sustainability Subsidy - Low Infection Type No.5.

1. Purpose: Support Micro-SMEs to introduce new businesses, new services, or new production processes under the pandemic to balance the business sustainability and the infection reduction

2. Maximum amount: 1 million yen

3. Subsidy rate: 3/4

4. Application deadline: 12th January 2022

Note 1: The word, Micro-SMEs means companies or individuals with 5 or less employees for commerce/service industry, and 20 or less employees for manufacturing, hotels, entertainment or other industries.

Note 2: Cost after 8th January 2021 can be counted in this subsidy.


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 21st April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:

【低感染リスク型】3次補正公募要領.pdf (


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

15th November 2021

The Government of Japan started public offering for Productivity Subsidy No.9.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement

2. Maximum amount: 10 million yen for general type

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2 or 2/3, depending on subsidy types and the number of employees

4. Application deadline: 8th February 2022


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 25th April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

15th November 2021

The Government of Japan started public offering for Business Restructuring Subsidy No.4.

1. Purpose: Support SMEs to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, restructure businesses, or expand the scale of the businesses with these activities

2. Maximum amount: 5 million yen to 100 million yen, depending on subsidy types and the number of employees

3. Subsidy rate: 1/2, 2/3 or 3/4, depending on subsidy types

4. Application deadline: 21st December 2021


Please refer in detail to the topic dated 15th April 2021 below, though it is a little bit different from the latest (in Japanese) at:


If you need any support or consultation, please feel free to contact Cocobridge through the Inquiry.

30th September 2021

The Government of Japan provides Business Succession Subsidy of maximum 7 million yen for SMEs and individual owners in Japan to promote business succession, restructuring and M&As (sell or buy) with new investments, new marketing, and/or part closure, including consultation/expert fees in some types.

210930Succession subsidy-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.0 KB
210930Succession subsidy-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 116.1 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Business Succession Subsidy in the column of subject.

9th July 2021

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government (TMG) provides Tokyo Monthly Benefit of maximum monthly 200,000 yen for SMEs and 100,000 yen for individual owners to support their businesses under the Emergency State Declaration or the Rampancy Prevention in April 2021 in Japan, in addition to the Urgent Monthly Benefit by the Government of Japan.  It is noted that this benefit is not required to pay back.

The TMG also provides Related Subsidies such as Sales Channel Development Subsidy, Facility Investment Subsidy, Productivity Enhancement Subsidy using Digital Technology, and New Product/Service Development Subsidy using Local Resources, in relation to the Tokyo Monthly Benefit above.

210709Tokyo Monthly Benefit-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.3 KB
210709Tokyo Monthly Benefit-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 109.3 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Tokyo Monthly Benefit and Related Subsidies in the column of subject.

16th June 2021

The Government of Japan provides Urgent Monthly Benefit of maximum monthly 200,000 yen for SMEs and 100,000 yen for individual owners to support their businesses under the Emergency State Declaration or the Rampancy Prevention in April 2021 in Japan.  It is noted that this benefit is NOT required to pay back.

210616Urgent Monthly Benefit-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.4 KB
210616Urgent Monthly Benefit-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 238.6 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Urgent Monthly Benefit in the column of subject.

25th April 2021

The Government of Japan provides Productivity Subsidy FY2021 of maximum 30 million yen for SMEs and individual owners to introduce and invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement in Japan.

210425Productivity subsidy-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 88.6 KB
210425Productivity subsidy-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 136.5 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Productivity Subsidy FY2021 in the column of subject.

21st April 2021

The Government of Japan provides Sustainability Subsidy FY2021 of maximum 500,000 yen in general type for SMEs and individual owners in Japan to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement.  The Government also provides low-infection business type of maximum 1 million yen for them to introduce low-infection new businesses and service/production processes.

210421Sustainability subsidy-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 88.2 KB
210421Sustainability subsidy-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 135.9 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Sustainability Subsidy FY2021 in the column of subject.

15th April 2021

The Government of Japan provides Business Restructuring Subsidy of maximum 100 million yen for SMEs in Japan to develop new products/services/markets, change processes drastically, convert the fields of businesses or industry, or restructure businesses, expanding the scale of the businesses.

210415Restructuring subsidy-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 86.5 KB
210415Restructuring subsidy-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 162.7 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Business Restructuring Subsidy in the column of subject.

28th March 2021

The Government of Japan provides Ichiji-Shienkin, or Urgent Support Benefit, of maximum 600,000 yen for SMEs and 300,000 yen for individual owners to support their businesses under the Emergency State Declaration in January 2021 in Japan.  It is noted that this benefit is not required to pay back.

210328Urgent Support Benefit-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.3 KB
210328Urgent Support Benefit-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 230.3 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Urgent Support Benefit in the column of subject.

26th February 2021

To support SME businesses in finance in Japan, there are various kinds of Subsidies and Soft Loans facilitated by the Government of Japan, the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and municipalities or wards.  This document covers such typical subsidies as productivity subsidy and sustainability subsidy with recent revisions as well as soft loans and credit guarantees, including a draft budget 2020-3/2021 of the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) at 2,307.1 billion yen.

210226Subsidies and Soft Loans-Part.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.0 KB
210226Subsidies and Soft Loans-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 119.0 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Subsidies and Soft Loans in the column of subject.

17th December 2020

To support SME businesses in finance in Japan, there are various kinds of SME Soft Loans facilitated by the Government of Japan (through Japan Finance Corporation), the Tokyo Metropolitan Government, and municipalities or wards.  Those SME soft loans are subsidized interest payments and credit guarantee fees with no collateral and no third-party guarantor requirements.

201217Soft loans-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.8 KB
201217Soft loans-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 185.4 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of SME Soft Loans in the column of subject.

11 December 2020

The Government of Japan will accept applications for Regular Frame No.4 in the Sustainability Subsidy Program until 5th February 2021.

23rd September 2020

The Government of Japan has been accepting applications for Productivity Subsidies which provide maximum 30 million yen for SMEs and individual owners to introduce and invest in innovative service development, prototyping and production process improvement in Japan.

200923Productivity subsidies-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.3 KB
200923Productivity subsidies-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 131.7 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Productivity Subsidies in the column of subject.

20th August 2020

The Tokyo Metropolitan Government started on 17th August 2020 accepting applications for Tokyo Office Rent Support Benefits which provide maximum 375,000 yen for SMEs and 187,500 yen for individual owners to underpin business sustainability in Tokyo.

200820Tokyo office rent benefits-Outline
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.2 KB
200820Tokyo office rent benefits-Full.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 671.4 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Tokyo Office Rent Support Benefits in the column of subject.

10th August 2020

The Government of Japan has been accepting applications for Sustainability Subsidies which provide maximum 1.5 million yen (2 million yen in special industry) for SMEs and individual owners to underpin business sustainability through sales channel development and productivity enhancement in Japan.

200810Sustainability subsidies-Outline.p
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.3 KB
200810Sustainability subsidies-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 146.5 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Sustainability Subsidies in the column of subject.

5th August 2020

The Government of Japan has been accepting applications for Sustainability Benefits which provide maximum 2 million yen for SMEs and 1 million yen for individual owners.

200805Sustainability benefits-Outline.pd
Adobe Acrobat Document 84.6 KB
200805Sustainability benefits-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 445.9 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Sustainability Benefits in the column of subject.

14th July 2020

The Government of Japan started accepting applications for Office Rent Support Benefits which provide maximum 6 million yen for SMEs and 3 million yen for individual owners.

200728Office rent benefits-Outline.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 85.3 KB
200728Office rent benefits-Full.pdf
Adobe Acrobat Document 618.5 KB

The full document has a password, so if you need the free-of-charge full document, please submit an application form mentioning Request for the full document of Office Rent Support Benefits in the column of subject.


10th July 2020

Invitation to Office Rent Support Benefits Seminar

 Successfully Done!

Cocobridge provides the following web seminar for the Office Rent Support Benefits which grant maximum 6 million yen for SMEs and 3 million yen for individual owners by the Japanese Government and start applications on 14th July 2020.


Date and Time:  No.1: From 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Monday 20th July 2020 (same contents as No.2)

                             No.2: From 10:00 am to 11:00 am on Tuesday 28th July 2020 (same contents as No.1)

Venue: Web conference room

Subject: Office rent support benefits by the Japanese Government

Eligible Participants: Foreign executives for SMEs and individual owners in Japan

Capacity: Maximum 100 participants in order of registration

Participation Fee: Free of charge

Language: English


If you are interested in this event, please submit an application form mentioning the Office Rent Support Benefits Seminar No.1 or No.2 in the column of subject.  The website for this event will be informed individually after receiving application forms.

Background of SME Support

Foreigner-led SMEs and foreign individual owners in Japan are suffering heavily during and after C-virus.  It is more difficult for those foreign executives to understand and apply for various programs of benefits*, subsidies** and soft loans introduced by the Japanese Government due to language matters.  Therefore Cocobridge provides support for those SMEs and individual owners by a Government-certified SME Management Consultant, who also holds MBA (UK).


* Benefit programs, or kyufukin, in this homepage provide financial benefits by the Japanese Government to selected applicants immediately after the selection without any repayment.

** Subsidy programs, or hojokin, in this homepage require applicants to propose some projects in accordance with its application guidance set by the Japanese Government.  Selected applicants are required to pay for the remaining part of the projects at some subsidy rates.  Also they receive financial subsidies normally after the project ends with result reports.  Therefore the applicants are required to keep all necessary finance for the projects until the projects end.

Consultation Fee

If you need any extra supports and consultations by Cocobridge other than free-charge documents and seminars, some consultation fees are charged.  The fees basically consist of a start fee (30,000 yen) before the start, a success fee (100,000 yen) at the success of applications, and in the case of subsidies a completion fee (8% of subsidy amount) at the completion of subsidy projects, all excluding taxes.  The remaining 92% of the subsidy amount would be in your side.  Unfortunately for us, however, if not succeeded, then you would be charged only the start fee.